Devlog #06: Start production sprint 2


The player now can collect souls which will increase the soul meter. This meter fills itself over time and starts depleting when the player throws his axe. These souls are spawned when you kill an enemy as a reward on top of the score increase.

The axe throw

The axe not only became dependant on the souls it also became easier to use for players who use mouse and keyboard.  Aiming is now based on the mouse position while playing with mouse instead of movement to make the aiming feel more natural.

Player movement behaviour script

The script was re-written in order to make it more readable and easier to maintain and add new things. It uses a state machine instead of a set of booleans.

Pause menu

A draft of the pause menu has been added, it gives the possibility to see the control list or to go back to main menu. The menu system is no mostly integrated and working. What's left is to implement its final look.

The Valkyrie Design

After having the main character done, we focused on the next important character- the Valkyrie. She is taller than the viking, but not as wide as he is, she has feminine proportions.

Valkyrie design sheet

From all the designs we chose our favourite parts and made the final linearts of front, back and side view.

After that we drew the wings as well, starting from a very complicated design and then going to a much simplier one since we depend mostly on cool silhouettes in our game.

Milestone design

Since the level blockout is starting to come along, we've started designing the milestones for the level. These milestones serve as a reference point for the player to distinguish how far they've gone upwards in Hell and quickly display their score when passing through. Here are a few first sketches for the milestone.

Main Character

We've also made some adjustments to the main character and are now starting to retopo him!


RiseToValhalla_Build5.rar 22 MB
Mar 31, 2021

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